happy birthday balloons with happy birthday text

It is my B’day today and I have gifted myself this blog which is all me and my work. I find this to be such a quenching experience, for the writer and author in me !

I am just loving my work.. to write, post, update, share .. all on variety of topics that are close to my heart.. Ayurveda, natural healing, Spirituality, holistic health, yoga, herbs, home remedies..and Poetry ! This blog surely aims to be providing with the right knowledge and wellness enhancing tips to the readers as in the form of micro-blogs ; and at the same time this would be a ‘Freedom’ platform for me where I can write un-bounded and liberated !


Discovered this passion and find this analogous to my favourite quote ..


” Liking what you do is Satisfaction,

But ….

Doing what you Like …. is Happiness !!! ” 🙂