Wild Cherry Honey With Distinctive Medicinal Properties



Wild cherry, also known as Prunus puddum in botanical terms, basically refers to the sweet, red-black cherry that is grown in wild areas across the world. It is native especially to Asia, Europe and some parts of North America. The bark of wild cherry tree, in fact, holds more importance in terms of benefits, when compared to the fruit in terms of taste. Owing largely to its incredibly therapeutic profile, the extract derived from its bark makes for a much-touted source of traditional medication. It has been used since ages to provide relief from a number of health conditions, thanks to some significant antiviral, antibacterial, sedative, expectorant, pro-digestion as well as anticancer properties it possesses.


Health benefits

It is basically the inner bark of this tree, dried and grounded, which makes this plant so beneficial in terms of health. Apart from tannins, p-coumaric acid, benzaldehyde, kaempferol, quercetin, acetylcholine, and caffeic acid; it also contains what are known as cyanogenic glycosides. These compounds primarily render this extract the healing properties it possesses. On the other hand, syrup made using the bark extract and also the wild cherry honey, are equally beneficial and all the more delicious as well. People have long since regarded it as a revered home remedy against some of the common, everyday health issues as well as some serious although rare ones.




How it helps

  • Wild cherry syrup and the honey decongests our lungs and provides great relief from the symptoms of common cold and cough, as well as various associated problems such as chronic lung congestion, asthma, flu, sore throat, whooping cough, etc. It has some especially strong expectorant properties which allow wild cherry extract to suppress the cough by clearing mucus, thus providing relief from the root.
  • Wild cherry also addresses the problem of dry cough, a problem which is most irritating and yet taken casually by most of us. Besides, its anti-inflammatory properties also prevent the inflammation of lungs, as in case of bronchitis. Wild cherry honey, therefore, makes for a promising cure as far as our respiratory health is concerned. No wonder why it remains a common ingredient in a variety of homemade, DIY cough preparations, as well as the commercially available honey, syrups, drops and lozenges.
  • The bark extract is also known to effectively work against a whole host of digestive disorders. These include constipation, bloating, flatulence, gastritis, diarrhoea and even Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
  • When it comes to providing relief from sore and achy muscles, this again offers a promising cure. It is mainly because Wild Cherry honey also helps relax cramping and spasms associated with muscles.
  • It also works as a mild yet effective sedative, calming down our nerves and providing great relief from anxiety and restlessness. Wild Cherry would be best taken in the form of a nice, hot cup of tea or beverage if sedation is quite what you are looking for.
  • Not only this, Wild cherry / honey contain some potent anti-cancer properties which allow it to prevent the cancer cells in our body from duplicating and proliferating, thus curbing their growth there and then. At the same time, it also induces what is known as apoptosis, which is another term from ‘programmed death of cells’, cancer cells in this case. Thus wild cherry extract is an incredible substance which could offer a prominent role in preventing this life-threatening disease.
  • The sheer fact that Wild Cherry is loaded with minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and iron makes it an excellent nutritive source, and therefore, all the more sought after as a natural health booster.


Usage and Word of Caution

Wild Cherry extract is available for consumption in the form of honey, syrup, capsules as well as tea. People all over the world are increasingly including this botanical medicine into their diet as a nutritive supplement. Moreover, it is also becoming popular as a flavouring agent. No doubt people enjoy having fresh wild cherry as it is, and also by adding it to jams and smoothies etc. However, please make sure that you take it in moderation since it contains hydrochloric acid, along with some toxins. Although they are responsible for making it fight diseases, they can also be harmful if we happen to over indulge.


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.



Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon

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