Understanding Agni




When we talk about Ayurvedic Nutrition, we first need to understand about Agni or the biological fire that is highly vital in the process of digesting all the food we eat. Moreover, according to Ayurveda science, Agni is the comprehensive function of metabolism in human body.

What is Agni?

In the exact translation of the word, Agni means Fire. And fire is the manifestation of the fire body humor or the Pitta. Here, we need to understand that Agni attributes to all the metabolic activities in the body. When we eat food, Agni works on it in the following ways –

  • Agni decomposes and transforms the food
  • Agni is responsible for the process of oxygenation
  • Agni as Pachaka Pitta digests the food in stomach and in intestines.


Why Agni is important?

Agni is responsible for 2 main processes

  • Digestion
  • Metabolism

This means, when Agni is not functioning properly, the food would not be digested and there would be impairment of metabolism in the body. This defective Agni produces Ama or the un-digested food. This Ama causes fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach and consequently results in formation of diseases.


Types of Agni


Ayurveda recognizes 13 various types of Agnis.

  1. Jatharagni

This is the main vital Agni or the digestive fire which works in the abdomen. This is mainly responsible for conversion, assimilation and  digestion of the entire food that we eat.  Jatharagni mainly applies to the digestive fire that digests food in the stomach and intestines as the very first stage of food conversion. Further converts this food into Aahar rasa which is a uniform homogenous suspension of the digested food.

  1. Dhatwagnis

These are the 7 agnis present in the 7 dhatus or body tissues i.e Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Medha, Asthi, Majja and Shukra. These Agnis are significant as their working on the level of the 7 body tissues manifest in the second stage of food digestion. This is responsible for conversion of the semi digested food.

  1. Bhootagnis

These are 5 Agnis which pertain to and work upon the 5 Panchbhoots ie. Aakasha, Vayu, Tejasa, Jala and Prithvi. This Agni works on digesting the food on elementary level. This is the third stage of digestion wherein Agni works in the liver and converts the food into elementary stage.


Digestion of Food

For maintaining natural well being, proper digestion of food is essential. This means the Agni has to be invigorated and working on all the three levels of digestion. If the Agni is weak, the food would remain undigested and this undigested food which is referred to as Ama is the root cause of wide variety of ailments. For example Ama vata or the Rheumatoid arthritis.



The 5 Agents of Digestion


  1. Agni – This digests food with the prime application of Pachaka Pitta.
  2. Vayu – The air moves the food down towards the intestines for digestion and also at the same time fans the Agni.
  3. Moisture
  4. Viscosity

These are the belongings of Kledaka Kapha which moistens the food stuff and softens it for proper digestion.

5. Time – This is also considered an important factor in the process of digestion of food. Time is essential for the completing for the process of digestion.


The 4 state of Agni

Ayurveda Sages have distinguished and highlighted 4 various stages of Agni pertaining to their performance in the digestive process.

  1. Manda Agni –

In this state of Agni, Kapha dosha is dominant. For this reason, the digestion is slow, weak and sluggish.

  1. Tikshana Agni –

In this state, Pitta influences the digestion. This is fast and sharp kind of digestion which is the natural manifestation of Pitta dosha.

  1. Vishama Agni –

This is irregular and erratic digestion which is mainly influenced by Vata dosha.

  1. Sama Agni –

This state of Agni signifies a balanced state of all the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This Agni is ideal for the digestion of food in the body.


About the Author

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.





Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon


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