Every single day in our life we are sure to be eating food! Food is a necessity for life and food promotes Life! We are actually eating and munching through the day and sometimes owing to the fallacy incurred by our taste buds, we tend to overeat.

But have you found yourself to be rather uncomfortable every time you went into the practice of overeating?



Our ancient wisdom rightly counsels –

‘You eat right and be content.

You overeat and then you repent !’

Perfect words! There is actually no escape when you have over-stuffed your bellies. Mahatma Gandhi has recommended “Eat your Food as your Medicine”. He had the right envision of Natural living; and has always stressed upon meager eating and the significance of fasting.

Also, our ancient seers of Ayurveda have wisely related the quantity of ingested food to our Agni or the digestive power. It has been specified that we need to eat only to the capacity to which we can comfortably digest the meal. The right proportion of food is directly proportional to our natural ability to digest the same. Only this would be nutritive, balancing and health and happiness promoting!


Eating Right With Ayurveda Health Tips

Here is a Practical Suggestion – You need to eat to your own capacity. A simple rule suggested to judge your capacity is to divide your stomach hypothetically into four parts. Of these, two parts are to be filled with solid food, one part with liquid. The fourth part is to be kept empty for the proper functioning of gases.

Dosha Healing for Eating Right

Dosha Healing, the ancient Ayurveda wisdom, lays great emphasis about eating rightly in accordance to the basic and innate dosha to which you belong.

In case you’re Vata type, overeating is not at all meant for you. You need to rather go in for grazing i.e. eating small meals at frequent intervals. This would help keep your naturally erratic Vata dosha balanced.


Pitta types need to keep their bellies optimally and comfortably full. If you are one of the fire types, you would be having good metabolism naturally. Therefore, snacking ever so often is recommended for you.

Kapha types are the ones who actually need to be cautioned. Already too much of phlegm in your system makes you lethargic and easily obese. Therefore, overeating is strict no-no for you. Even as your digestion will take its own sweet time ( slow and steady as you are), you need to avoid taking snacks before meals, so as give optimum boost and invigoration to your  gastric fire.


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant at Herboveda and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

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