Hair Scare




Untimely hair fall is one of the prime reasons of anxiety for one and all. Although the ailment manifests under a number of factors like seasonal changes, heredity, lack of balanced daily diet etc; aggravated mental states of anger, worry and stress / tension tend to precipitate the malady. Other reasons include presence of dandruff, under nourished hair and pathogenic organism in some cases.

The disease of ‘Khalitya’ as termed in Ayurveda gives rise to mental worries, a low social image and other psychic problems. As in most of the ailments, an early cure makes it quite helpful in getting rid of the same.




ü  Try and avoid mental stress as much as possible. It is one of the basic causes of the malady.

ü  Daily practice of meditation and breathing exercises tend to calm and soothe the brain nerves.

ü  The diet should be well nourished with a good amount of protein like soy products and sprouts, natural fiber, ample supplement of vitamins and minerals and milk products like butter and cow’s ghee.

ü  Increase daily water intake so as to wash away the accumulated toxins.

ü  A sound sleep for 7 to 8 hours is a must.

ü  Try avoiding suppression of the natural urges of urine, stool and flatus, as it tends to aggravate the malady.

ü  Constipated bowels need to be eased with intake of mild laxative.

ü  High salt and sour food intake should be restricted.

ü  Excessive washing of the hair, treating the hair with hot water and using more of synthetic shampoos and conditioners prove harmful for the hair in the long run.

ü  Loss of hair during seasonal transition and after the age of 50–55 years should not be considered a matter of serious concern.  



¨     A herb called ‘Bhringraj’ is generally prescribed both for the ailments of untimely falling and Premature greying of the hair. It is to be taken orally in the form of a powder and also to be applied externally onto the scalp as medicated oil.

¨     The powder of the herb ‘Amla’ is also quite beneficial in treating the malady. Approximately 1 teaspoon is to be taken twice a day on an empty stomach.

¨       Gentle massage of medicated oil preferably containing the prior suggested herbs is recommended at least twice a week.

¨       In case of dandruff, an easy home cure is to mix a piece of camphor or ‘Mushk kapoor’ in coconut oil and massage it into the scalp on alternate days or twice a week.

¨       Some Ayurvedic formulations like Navayas lauh, Swarn Makshik etc have proved useful.

¨       Brain tonics like ‘Bhram Rasayan’ provide with additional benefits. As these produce a calming and soothing effect on the brain nerves and tend to uproot the basic cause of the disease.


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Watch Video: Relieve Stress With Easy Ayurveda Tips!


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon



10 Ayurveda Tips to Reduce Hair Fall


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