Grapes Goodness!


Earlier in my series of articles, we have discussed at large the properties of some fruits like mango, jamun, bilva etc. In the following series let us be familiar with one of the favorite-most fruits i.e. Grapes. The Latin name of grapes is ‘Vitis vinefera’ and it is known in Sanskrit by the name ‘Draksha’ which means that what is endearing to the mind. Locally, it is known by the names ‘Angoor’, ‘Munakka’ and ‘dakh’ etc.



  • Grapes are heavy, soft and slimy by nature and cold in potency. The taste as well as the after taste is sweet.
  • Being slimy and cold by nature, grapes tend to decrease the ‘Pitta’ or heat and as it is slimy, soft and heavy, it causes a reduction in the ‘vata’ dosha or the air body humor.
  • Chemically, there is presence of glucose, gum resin, citric acid, tartaric acid, sodium and potassium chloride. Other than this, the fruit contains some important minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous. Albumin, tannins and alum also supplement the composition. There is also presence of stable oil and a pungent acid in the seeds.
  • The part of the herb (that is in the form of a tendril) which is used for medicinal purposes is the fruit.



Ø  The fruit of grapes is invigorating and rejuvenating. Fresh fruit or the juice extracted from the same can be taken to boost up your energy levels.

Ø  A regular intake of the same could help increase the weight of an emaciated person.

Ø  Grapes, being a destroyer of the ‘heat’ body humor, is essentially beneficial in heat related maladies like burning sensation of the palms and soles, excessive perspiration, excessive thirst etc. Try a sweetened drink prepared by pounding a handful of grapes and find relief.

Ø  In case of fevers associated with excessive external heat and sunstroke, a number of time tested medicinal preparations of the fruit are popular with the practitioners. For example ‘Drakshavleha’, ‘Draksharishta’ etc.

Ø  Being soft, slimy and cold by nature, grapes have a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, this fruit is recommended for those suffering from brain as well as heart ailments.

Ø   Grapes are also useful in case of skin afflictions. The medicinal preparations are also generally prescribed because the fruit not only causes a decrease in the bodily heat, but it also is a natural blood purifier.

Ø  Being expectorant, the fruit of grapes is also advisable in respiratory disorders like cough, common cold etc. It is exceptionally strengthening for the lungs and thus also helpful in cases of asthma and tuberculosis.

Ø  Grapes are mildly laxative.

Ø  Grapes are also a natural diuretic. In case of urinary disorders like diminished micturition and burning sensation during urination, try to increase the intake of the fruit. This could be indeed relieving.

Ø  During pregnancy, grape is one among the most recommended fruits. This is because it strengthens the uterus and makes it viable and healthy for the future process of childbirth.

Ø  Grapes are also quite beneficial for the babies and children. A regular intake of the fruit can enhance a proper development of the body and the mind.

Ø  The dosage of intake of the fruit is to be estimated according to your own digestion abilities. 


Article published here


About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon


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