Cow’s milk is one of the best known Sattvic diet available for enhancing natural wellness as well as for boosting immunity . Ayurveda regards it as Ojovardhak ie. that which is believed to augment the Ojas dhatu and thus increase the body’s general resistance against disease. Cow’s milk has also been regarded as being easily digestible, highly nutritive and good for the vital organs such as the Eyes, Brain and the Heart.
Eight Types of Milk
There are 8 types of milk that have been classified in Ksheer Varga ( Classification of Milk) and Cow’s milk is considered to be the best among all other animal sources.
General Benefits of Milk: Ayurveda Perspective
Milk is believed to be sweet both in taste as well as after-taste, unctuous, cooling, heavy, natural enhancer of Ojas (Immunity / Vital energy reserve of the body and mind), nourishing for the seven Dhatus ( The seven body tissues i.e. Juice, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone-marrow and semen) and natural aphrodisiac.
As per Ayurveda text, milk tends to increase the Kapha dosha or the Phlegm body humor. And also, it is believed that milk brings about a decrease in the aggravated Vata and Pitta doshas ( Air and Fire body humors).
Ayurveda counsels Cow’s Milk 
Milk of the Cow (Bos indicus) has been certified with specific health enhancing assets and properties in Ayurvedic text.
  • Jeevaniye – Promoting of Life
  • Rasayana – Aids in reviving the health of a healthy person as well as in combating the disease of the diseased one.
  • Sara – That what is not stable or unyielding within body systems.
  • Medhya – Aids in the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Vranya – Provides natural glow and fairness to the skin.
  • Stanyakara – Augments the milk in lactating mothers.
Benefit of Cow’s Milk in various Ailments
Cow’s milk has also been recommended in Ayurveda therapy in a number of ailments or health depriving conditions like general weakness, vertigo, fatigue, debility, cough, bronchitis, asthma, increased thirst and hunger, chronic fever, decreased urination etc.
About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant at Herboveda and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga