Herbal Healers

Book Synopsis

Ailments can be cured as well prevented without gulping down medicinal drugs. Not only this, you could strengthen your immune system, get rid of seasonal maladies and also choose for yourself and your family the required natural supplement, pertaining to and judging from the detailed knowledge of its properties.
This book is an attempt to provide the essential information about the daily This book is an attempt to provide the essential information about the daily decide on the handy home cures right at the knock of any disturbance in your body system. Or you could simply supplement the time tested herb remedies along with your prescribed treatments, so as to derive a faster and safer escape from the disease. More than 100 diseases have been specified that could be relieved by the use of these time-tested and simple ‘ Natural gifts’.

About the book

The book ‘Herbal healers’ deals with the everyday use herbs, which include most of our Indian kitchen ingredients. These herbs and condiments are used almost each day in cooking or flavoring the meals. Yet, at the same time, it is a lesser-known fact that how meritorious and essential these actually are so as to enhance our health and vitality. Also, proper usage of these time-tested natural ‘gifts’ can be of great help in curing as well as keeping various ailments away. Sometimes, a handy use of these simple herbs can prove quite rewarding and actually cease a simple disease to take complicated form. Even along with the prescribed medications, you could supplement the various herbs; so as to derive a faster and safer cure. The use of herbs has been established through the ages. Most of which is derived from the texts of ‘Ayurveda’, our ancient science of medicine. Therefore it can be informed that these natural products are particularly non-toxic and away from any side effects. Yet, at the same time, though all the required details regarding the properties of the herb, mode of usage and the proper dosage has been specified in ‘Herbal Healers’. Care has been taken to make aware of any sort of ill effect, if any, that could only crop up with over usage of that particular herb. The book is basically targeted on educating the masses about the medicinal benefits and the nature that the daily-use herbs hold. It is not by any means a recommendation for curing diseases or encouraging of self-medication. It would be advisable to seek extra guidance from the doctor when dealing with medicinal formulations suggested in the book. ‘Herbal Healers’ is a book in regards with the virtual theories of medicines and treatments specified in ‘Ayurveda’. It is rather unjust today that this unique and age-old science of health is being included in ‘Alternate’ modes of treatment. Although it is a complete science of life that has been known to man even before the birth of any other forms of treatment. And yet a lot of emphasis is being made, especially abroad, to revive Ayurveda and herb based treatments. Never the less, more efforts are required still to make aware of the treasures that we hold in the form of various herbs and natural assets. Effort has been made to co-relate each herb with the related ailment. There are approximately a hundred ailments that have been specified and the herb / herbs that could help relieve the symptoms of the related malady have been mentioned in the index. The easy home cure and details about the usage of the herb are available on the page mentioned in the index. You simply need to locate your illness in the index, know the related beneficial herbs and watch out for the mode of usage and the recommended dosage on the relative page number. I hope and trust that my book will be understandable to the lay man and the knowledge be helpful in curing and healing simple ailments easily at home. All the more it is a simple gesture to keep our inherent ancient therapies alive.

Book Excerpts –


Modern living is full of stress and strain and as a continuous process results in the deterioration of the immune system of the body. This makes the body more prone to ailments and even causes pre mature aging. So as to cope with the stress, people tend to take a number of multi vitamins, body and brain tonics, and yet find themselves disillusioned with the same in the long run. In Ayurveda it is told that the special properties of rejuvenation and revitalizing of the entire body systems lie in the fruit of Aamla.
Aamla or Emlica Officinalis which is its latin name is found extensively in India in the form of two varieties. One is hard, small in size and found in forests; while the other type is softer, bigger in size, more fleshy and is cultivated.
Properties: Aamla is sour in taste, cold and heavy in nature and has a sweet after taste. Chemically, the fruit of Aamla is full of citric acid. Therefore, it is said to contain the best and the largest amount of vitamin C extracted from the nature. Other than this, it contains a good amount of calcium and minerals like iron and phosphorous in nominal amounts. Some other important ingredients are albumin, cellulose, fibre, carbohydrate, sugar and water.
ACTIONS: Ayurveda believes that the fruit of Aamla helps to reduce all the three body humors viz. Vatta, pitta and kapha, or the air, fire and phlegm; which when aggravated above their normal limits cause a disease. Aamla is sour in taste and therefore helps in decreasing vatta or the air body humor. Due to it being cold in nature, calming and soothing in action and having a sweet after taste, it decreases the bile or pitta. And the rough nature of Aamla is helpful in reducing kapha or phlegm inside the body.

Uses –

 The fruit of Aamla is found to be mainly useful in decreasing the heat as per it’s properties. Therefore, it’s most extensive use has been seen in the treatment of the diseases associated with increased body heat. For example; it proves quite useful in ailments like burning sensation in eyes and in soles of the feet, increased thirst; or when there is immature graying of the hair due to excessive heat inside the body.
 During the summers, the most often symptoms due to the elevated external heat can be relieved. Burning sensation of the skin and headaches associated with a heat stroke can be relieved by the applying a paste made of Aamla in milk.


Ever since the colas have come under suspicion, one drink that has gained value and a wide acceptance is ‘nimbu-paani’. The lemons that were till now considered to be a secondary choice are quite sought after. All the more, even the youngsters and children swear on the virtues of this harmless, yet beneficial fruit.
Belonging to the family Ruteaceae, the Latin name of lemon is Citrus limon. In the Ayurvedic texts, it is referred by the name Jambeer and in English it is called as the lemon of India.
Lemon is found extensively in all parts of India to a height of five thousand feet. The commonly known tree of lemon grows 10 to 12 feet tall. It bears thorns and the fruit is generally oval, green to yellow coloured and sour. The part used for medicinal purposes is the fruit, leaves and also the bark of the tree.
Properties –The lemon is heavy and intense by nature and hot in potency. The taste as well as after taste are sour. Chemically, there is presence of citric acid as the prime content. Therefore, lemon is one of the best known natural sources of vitamin C. Other than this, there also exists a yellow coloured volatile oil.
Uses – Being hot and sour, lemon is believed to be a destroyer of the air and phlegm humors of the body and yet it tends to increase the fire.
• Lemon is a wonderful appetizer. A few drops of the lemon juice dissolved into a glassful of water taken half an hour before each meal could combat the loss of hunger. Another easy remedy I would suggest is to sprinkle some lemon juice on a piece of fresh ginger and take it preceding a meal.
• Lemon is believed to be a good expectorant. The juice is advised in the persistent, dry cough in which the phlegm remains stuck.


Some herbs in India, Guggul, Giloy and Tulsi, to name a few, are used for decorative, medicinal as well as religious purposes. Among these, Tulsi or Basil is the one that does not need an introduction. Nevertheless, here is more on the merits of the herb. The mere name Tulsi intends ‘that which is incomparable’. The Latin name of this herb is Ocimum sanctum and it is called in English as Holy Basil or Sacred Basil. The name is derived from the Greek word Besileus, meaning “King”. Basil is therefore regarded as ‘king of the herbs’. It is believed that the sheer presence of this herb purifies the entire environment. And yet the medicinal and curative uses of Tulsi are abundant. Found all over India and specially seen in most Hindu homes, it finds an extensive use in many ailments. There are about 150 varieties of this herb found all over the world. Leaf is the part of the herb that is commonly used. Other than this, flowers, seeds and the root of Tulsi are also used for medicinal purposes. Chemically, the herb contains an aromatic and volatile essential oil. The leaves contain carotene and ascorbic acid and the seeds contain stable oil. Besides there is presence of tannin, glycoside and alkaloids Properties – Basil is rough and light by nature. The taste of the herb is bitter and pungent and the after taste is bitter. It is hot in potency. Therefore, according to Ayurveda, it being hot in action, Basil helps to decrease the aggravated air and phlegm body humors.

Uses –

• Basil possesses health-giving assets. It has proven anti toxic properties too i.e. the property of destroying bacteria and insects.
• The leaves of Basil act as a nerve tonic and boosts intellect. The juice of the leaves is used in treatment of bronchitis. These help in removing phlegm and act as an expectorant. Fresh leaves of Tulsi can be chewed to get relief from a headache. For this purpose you can inhale the fresh juice extracted from the herb mixed in boiling water. The juice can also be put in the nostrils as nasal drops. This is soothing for the brain and relieves anxiety. One of the rare effects of Basil is its ability to quench thirst.
• For viral fever, Tulsi leaves are to be chewed along with some black pepper. Honey can be added to it in moderate quantity. The juice of Basil leaves, mixed with a little honey, taken daily is good for health. Tea made with fresh leaves of this herb brings about a mild perspiration and with the addition of a pinch of ground cloves, pepper and cinnamon, it helps to relieve fever. Researchers have proved this herb to possess unique anti asthmatic and anti tubercular properties. Studies are being conducted to connect the benefit of this herb to combat cancer.

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