
4 Fool-Proof Ways To Detox Naturally




Pertaining to the dietary and lifestyle imbalance nowadays, the process of detoxification as advocated by our ancient Seers, becomes all the more relevant. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are somehow forced to take in adulterated food, acquire environmental pollution and live in modernized comforts and thus leading sedentary lifestyle. All this simply goes contrary to the goodness of Nature, and so to suffer a malady becomes rather inevitable.
Not only has this, growing toxicity within our systems all the more related to the mental stress and strain to which we seem to succumb most of the time. I would also state here that when we talk of wellness and of the body and mind significance, the spiritual aspect cannot be simply ignored. Therefore, it won’t be wrong to state that the spiritual deprivation that suggests lack of virtues like harmony, love and compassion are some of the predicating factors that add onto the advent of toxicity which later takes form of one or more serious afflictions that visits us un-announced.



What Is Detox?

Detoxification is essentially a meticulous purification of the body that aids in releasing the accumulated toxins over a period of time.

Ayurveda counsels thorough Detox by Panchakarma




All sorts of toxicity results from production and accumulation of Ama or the toxic matter which is the product of incomplete digestion and represents sticky toxic matter that tends to obstruct channels of the body Ayurveda recommends to detox and overhaul from time to time so as to counterbalance and reduce the toxicity from the body. The elimination channels of the body viz. lungs, kidneys, intestines and the skin, work more efficiently to get rid of the wastes.

Moreover, it has been stated in Ayurveda text that imbalance in the three body humors or doshas viz. vata, pitta and kapha results into toxicity and disease formation within the body. If the toxicity in the alimentary tract or (the koshtha) it can be easily removed by means of detox diet and lifestyle variations, whereas if the toxicity manifests inside the body tissues or (the shakha) it is difficult to cure and takes longer time. Sometimes in case we take it lightly, the toxicity or dosha imbalance might travel still further, and it finds its way and tends to establish itself into the marmas or (the vital organs). Here it takes much longer to cure and sometimes take form of an incurable ailment.


‘Panchakarma’ as specified by its name means five methods to eliminate toxic wastes from the body.
Vamana – To cause vomiting
Virechana – To cause purgation
Shirovirechana – Nasal errhines
Asthapan Basti – Enema to push medicines into colon
Anuvasan Basti – Oil enemas.

2. Detox With Ayurveda Herbs


  • Ajwain ( Bishop’s weed) is possessor of some unique anti toxic properties and is diuretic by nature. Therefore it aids greatly to expel toxins and work as a natural detox.
  • Bitter gourd juice could help you combat toxins inside the body and it also helps eradicate intestinal worms. This may be taken 10 to 20 ml preferably on empty stomach.
  • The herb of Ginger may be included in detox diet as it is a good cleanser and purifier for the body.
  • The herb of mint contains anti toxic properties. Include fresh mint leaves in detox diet. A paste can be prepared by pounding together mint leaves and onions. 1 to 2 teaspoons of the same can be taken 3 to 4 times in a day.
  • Greater cardamom is another natural herb that holds anti-toxic as well as anti-infective properties. It is advisable to take the recommended dose of one to three grams powder of the seeds along with luke-warm water twice in a day’s time.
  • Basil is another Ayurveda herb that possesses health-giving assets and has proven anti toxic properties. The taste of the herb is bitter and pungent and the after taste is bitter. It is hot in potency. To the freshly extracted juice, add equal quantities of juice of mint and ginger. For better results you can add a little Saunf arka to the mentioned combination.
  • Fenugreek is another bitter herb that helps to detox by eliminating the channels blocking mucus and phlegm from the body.
  • The herb of turmeric being light, rough and hot and having pungent and bitter taste bitter after-taste is another excellent detox agent. 1 to 3 grams of the powder of turmeric is to be taken with warm water.
  • The herb of sandalwood is another aid for the process of detoxification. A decoction can be prepared out of boiling the flakes or powder of sandalwood (3 to 5gms approx.). This is to be taken 3 or 4 times along with some sugar or mishri dissolved in the same.

3. Detox With Yoga 




Our ancient wisdom in the form of Yoga techniques is an asset that has an overall cleansing and detoxifying effect onto body as well as mind. Most of the Yogic kriyas or the primary actions are most significantly made to comprehensively cleanse and purify the body. Of these, techniques like Vaman dhyoti, Nauli and Neti rightly serve the purpose. The Yoga asanas (Surya namaskar, yoga mudra etc) work by providing internal massage to the body organs mainly the intestine which is actually the prime site of the accumulated toxic matter. Nevertheless, the deep breathing exercises known as ‘Pranayamas’ (bhastrika, kapalbhati, surya bhedi, anulom – vilom) are a good help to flush out toxins and at the same time augment the vital energy. All the yoga practices need to be practiced regularly so as to find early and static benefits. It is implicit that when the Ayurveda herbs and bland diet plan (which is meagre intake of food or more of liquid diet) is being undertaken, Yoga exercises prove to be of high assistance that makes the body to expel toxins by activating the evacuation channels of skin, lungs (breathing), kidneys and intestines.

4. Lifestyle Transition Is Great Support For Detox



As we are holistically ‘natural’ beings, every single activity in our daily living is bound to affect the balance. The five elements ( Ether, air, fire, water And earth) that virtually underline our basic existence, of these ether may be obtained by fasting, air by walking in fresh air and pranayama, fire by eating sun ripened fruits, water by drinking water and hydrotherapy and earth element may be acquired by having cereals and pulses in diet. Ayurveda stresses detoxification to be taken up on individual basis. Ayurveda physician would focus on your Prakriti (basic personality) and suggest the diet and therapy in accordance to the same so as to combat the toxins (Vikruti).




Ayurveda detox diet would be sort of fasting and relieving the abdomen by taking only fresh, raw fruits and steamed seasonal vegetables, water and yogurt. Moreover, non vegetarian diet, heavy spicy and fried meals, intake of alcohol, tea and coffee are strictly prohibited.
Ayurveda has simply related our everyday living with the attribute of the three doshas Vata or the air, Pitta or the fire and Kapha or the phlegm. It therefore becomes mandatory to be able to comprehend the philosophy that promises balance and longevity.
  • 6 to 10 (mornings and evenings) is the Kapha time which calls for physical and mental activity.
  • 10 to 2 is the time when Pitta is naturally on the rise. This indicates better digestive as well as intellectual execution.
  • As for Vata, the suggested time is 2 to 6 and this is when the mind and body need to be held in spiritual reserve. These principles of lifestyle management imply added advantage when you are working on mind and body re-balancing.

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About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.


Dr Sonica Krishan’s Books are available at Amazon

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